“Inhumans” in IMAX theatres


For the first time in the history of cinema, a series premiered in cinemas. Marvel's Inhumans chose IMAX to exclusively screen their first two episodes and for that reason, made a media tour with its director.



Position IMAX as ”the chosen” by Marvel for this unprecedented event and generate expectations for Inhumans  premiere in IMAX, capitalizing on the media tour of its not well known director.



We developed a  communications plan combining an event with the anticipated screening of E1 and E2 scenes for the media, press documents focusing on why the series should be seen in IMAX, 1-1 interviews with the director and an exclusive lunch with most influential media in the Mexican entertainment world industry.



We secured 12 interviews with Tier 1 media (more than twice the amount requested by the client) and a lunch with 3 top media/ influencers (BuzzFeed, Alex Montiel and Sopitas). More than 40 outlets attended the event, +70% Tier 1. 100% organic coverage was achieved in major media entertainment, lifestyle and media geeks, which resulted in an earned media of +USD55K.